Our Mission

Help Students Bridge the Gap between Theory and Practice using Google Technology

At UVA Google Developer Student Club, we're dedicated to empowering students to make a tangible impact before they graduate. We firmly believe in the transformative potential of Google Developer technologies, enabling aspiring developers to translate their ideas into real-world applications.

Thus, our mission is clear: we aim to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical implementation by providing the following:

  1. Free training sessions on Google developer technologies, including Firebase, TensorFlow, Google Cloud Platform, and Flutter, accessible to all our members.
  2. Engaging opportunities such as Google's annual Solution Challenge, where you can contribute to projects that benefit our local Charlottesville community or the world beyond.

Frequently Asked Questions

As of now, club meetings occur every other Wednesday at 7 p.m. in Clark 107. Please join the mailing list using the button in the footer for more up-to-date information.

As a member of the GDSC at UVA, will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of different events, primarily: technical workshops, speaker events, competitions, and social events

We make an effort to host workshops that are relevant to emerging technologies that will be beneficial for club members to learn about. This year, our workshops will be focused on working with topics such as Artificial Intelligence, Web Development, Augmented Reality and Web 3.0. Check out the Events tab above to see what we have done in past workshops.

We plan on bringing speakers to UVA who can provide members with insight into technology in relation to industry and innovation. Members will hear varying perspectives, from technology executives at large companies, to local UVA alums who have started startups.

The biggest competition that GDSC will be participating in is Google's National Solution Challenge competition. More info here: https://developers.google.com/community/gdsc-solution-challenge. We are also planning to host small competitions regularly in order to allow members to compete and win prizes. We also hope to host a 24 hour hackathon this semester, and we are excited to see what technological innovations members come up with!